Upcoming Events

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Community Corner

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Download the App

Download the Membership Toolkit App and sign in using your navypto.org login credentials.

Follow us on Social Media



1. **Register Your Family:** Click HERE to register and watch a helpful video tutorial above. 


2. **Email Family & Friends:** Once registered, email your family and friends to track donations. Students sending 10+ pledge requests are entered to win one of five $20 Barnes & Noble Gift Cards. 


3. **Start Reading:** 

Download a copy of the reading tracker here and start tracking reading minutes towards a student's individual reading goal.  Watch the video on how to use the reading tracker here.



(as of March 7, 2025 at 5:45 pm)



Masked Reader Challenge! – Students can watch the Masked Reader videos here, guess who’s behind the mask, and track their guesses on the back of their Read-A-Thon tracker.  As we hit each fundraising milestone, we’ll reveal the mystery reader on Navy's WNES News and our website!  Readers will be revealed at:
πŸ’° $5,000 – First reveal
πŸ’° $7,500 – Second reveal
πŸ’° $10,000 – Third reveal
πŸ’° $12,500 – Fourth reveal
πŸ’° $15,000 – Final reveal



INDIvidual prize Eligibility

πŸ†Send 10 email/text requests – Entered to win 1 of 5 $20 gift cards to Barnes & Noble


πŸ†Top Fundraising Class – The teacher with the highest earning

class will win a $100 gift card to plan a class party of their choice


πŸ†Top 3 Fundraisers – The Top 3 highest earning fundraisers will each earn a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card and will get to be a specialist teacher for 1 period of the day


News You Can Use

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Click Here to Donate to TSAW

Shop For Navy

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By shopping from our partners, Navy PTO will receive a portion of the proceeds of your purchase.

Thank You Sponsors

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