Upcoming Events

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Community Corner

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We invite all families to participate in this event that promotes literacy and raises funds to support the Navy PTO. The Read-a-thon is one of the PTO's two major fundraisers each year and with your help, the PTO hopes to make it a great success. The money collected from the Read-a-thon will come back to our school community and it will be used to assist both teachers, students, and support the various programs and activities sponsored by the Navy PTO.


Why Read-a-thon?  The Navy PTO selected Read-a-thon as our spring fundraiser because this fundraiser most closely aligns with the school's educational mission.  We love promoting a love of literacy and found it made more sense than a fun run, charity walk, or selling items.  


How it works: Read-a-thon is easy and fun!  We highly encourage every student and family to participate and help make this year’s Read-a-thon a huge success! Families will register and create a personalized Read-a-thon webpage to send emails to friends and family seeing donations to support the child's reading journey and progress towards the child's individual reading goal.  Help us spread a love of reading!   


Questions? Contact:  navyptofundraising@gmail.com

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Shop For Navy

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By shopping from our partners, Navy PTO will receive a portion of the proceeds of your purchase.

Thank You Sponsors

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